RA Pocket Shrine 52/? – RAPSoid

How fitting that I can present shrine #52 in the 52nd week of the year, just before 2014 comes to a close. Who would’ve thought that I would make that many little boxes of joy? The first one was only meant as a funny Valentine’s gift. But thanks to your response, your support and your demand, RAPS Inc. really took off :-). And still, I thought I was only going to make as many shrines as there were chaRActers in Mr A’s past filmology. Little did I know…

The last one in the 2014 RAPS chronology takes me back to the “summer of love”. For the occasion of RA’s conversation event at the Old Vic, I met up with a number of fans, among them Lemonjapp. She had a funny little tin in her possession that she asked challenged me to turn into a RAPS. Since it doesn’t have hinges, it’s not quite the portable RAltar that I usually produce, but I admit – the tin was really crying out for being turned into a portable RA worshipping device.

IMG_0165*giggles* “I will not obsess” – yeah, right.

The tin was actually filled with lip balm – which I ruthlessly removed and threw in the bin. I hope that this is a better filling:

IMG_0168A RAPSoid tin as small as this one is hard to fill with detailed scenarios. But well, there are evocative pictures available, and with the tin originally meant as a lip balm container, I decided that some kissing was in order… (The silver playing card is a nod to Porter…)

IMG_0169So that’s the last shrine of 2014.

IMG_0170I hope it will do the trick. For me, it contains everything I need – nose, finger, kissy-kissy lips ;-) But I admit – working with the bigger tins means more RAlove and more detailed scenarios. There are still plenty of tins in my stash – I haven’t counted them, but here’s to another 52 – and hopefully I will get to catch up with Percy Courteney, William Chatford, Philip Turner and Ian McIlwain. Or even the “smug man at a party”…

For the complete “RAPSody” check the gallery under the Guylty Shrines.

59 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 52/? – RAPSoid

    • Much less ornate than the usual RAPS productions, but cute in its own right, I suppose 😉
      Thank YOU for your support, D.! There are still plenty of tins from your parcel in my stash 🙂


  1. Sweet! Love it! Very, very kissable lips 😉

    Im obsessing over a particular pic at the moment… A very old one… From a chaRActer I don’t think you’ve immortalised yet… I’ll send it to you 😉 and see if inspiration strikes 🙂


  2. Punktlandung auf die 52. Von langer Hand geplant und trefflich versenkt 🙂
    Sowas von herzig. Danke, dass du mir den Weg zur grenzenlosen Schmachtitage geschreinert hast ❤
    Mein Leben ist definitiv bunter geworden dieses Jahr 😀
    Und der hier ist ja sowas von…….


      • Ich denke, es muss einfach zusammenpassen. Schlicht und einfach ist schön, hoffnungslos verkitscht ist auch schön, alles dazwischen ebenso – jedes auf seine Weise.

        Ebenso, wie du die richtigen Bilder in der richtigen Größe brauchst, um den gewünschten Effekt zu haben, brauchst du auch die passenden Spielereien (Herzchen, Glitzer, Patschhändchen) in der richtigen Größe, Menge und Verteilung. Das Zusammenspiel macht’s.

        Bisher hast du das jeweils wunderbar hingekriegt. 🙂

        PS: Falls du’s immer noch nicht gemerkt hast: Die RAPS sind nicht (nur) wegen Richard so begehrt, sondern auch, weil *DU* sie immer wieder neu und immer wieder originell zusammenstellst. 🙂


  3. I remember eating burgers with Lemonjapp. Her shrine is beautiful and very discreet. No one will know there is something other than lip balm inside. She might need to buy some however, if she becomes overexposed to Porter’s scorching lips.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ah an absolutely stunning year of shrining! And this is so much more kissable than lip gloss 🙂
    To a full year of ‘not obsessing’ in 2015 😀
    Lemonjapp, enjoy the cuuute shrine! 🙂
    I can’t wait to catch up on the ones i missed and looking forward to what next year will bring 🙂 Chop and .. monks next? that should be interesting 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • This was a departure from my usual formula. It’s interesting that it is getting such a warm reception. I’ll take my cue from that 😉 Hope I can continue surprising with the RAPSes in 2015. I’ll do my best ❤


  5. Thankyoooooouuuuuuuuu for my snogging shrine. Mr Lemonjapp has been tolerant of it’s presence possibly distracted by the life size Thorin that has appeared on the bedroom (he said he woildn’t buy it for me but my sisters obliged.) Thorin is currently posing as the ghost of Christmas past complete with tinsel crown and fairy lights.

    What an RA yrear it has been – sigh

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ingenious, and definitely good for the lips!

    Now I don’t feel like such an idiot for suggesting months ago that this was an idea with bigger legs than the fandom … I mean, it lasted you past a whole year …


    • Yep – who would have thought that? I am still vaguely thinking of widening the scope for a “proper” art project. The trouble with it all is that it is GREAT fun enshrining RA, it thrills me every time. But I cannot say that I am particularly driven to enshrine anyone else. Hm.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Guylty, your RAPS are not just artistic, they are clever, funny, heartwarming, celebratory, inspiring and sure I’m leaving out lots more. (Am I repeating myself? Has it been stated here already? If so, sorry to sound like a broken record.) I have seen Kathy Jones’ (not a euphemism) RAPS and witnessed how she treasures hers, which might make me single minded with this thought, but from my perspective, if it doesn’t come from your heart . . . heh, well whatever it is you do, I’m sure it will be great! Hugs, happy new year and all that mushy stuff 😀


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